T3: Transforming Teen Services
Trainer resources and project information repository
Use the buttons below to navigate to the resources you are seeking, or use the navigation menu on the lefthand side of the page.
AboutMore information about the T3 project, including project evaluation, available trainers, and case studies of the frameworks |
Community of PracticeNetworking information for current and new trainers |
ModulesFacilitation guides and other resources for implementing in-person and online trainings for each of the modules |
LogisticsMedia kit for the project, evaluation templates for trainers to use, and other resources trainers may find helpful |
About the project
"Transforming Teen Services: a Train the Trainer Approach" is an initiative of YALSA in partnership with COSLA, funded by an IMLS grant. This effort brings together state library agency (SLA) consultants and front-line library staff from 46 states, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the District of Columbia, for a robust training program. Training focuses on youth development, connected learning (CL), and computational thinking (CT), and expanded to include educational equity and facilitation skills. Find more information on the About page.
Contact YALSA@ala.org for more information