Dollar General Summer Learning Grant


Please note: This grant is not currently being offered at this time.

The Summer Learning Grant will award $1,000 each to 25 libraries in need with the purpose of helping them purchase resources or provide services to bolster their teen summer learning program. The program must support teens who speak English as a second language, teens in socio-economically challenged communities, and/or teens who are at risk of failing school.

To determine if you are eligible, you must answer yes to the following questions:

  • Is your summer learning program administered through a library?
  • Is your program open to all teens in the community?
  • Do you work directly with teens?
  • Are you a ?
  • Is your library within 20 miles of a Dollar General store?

This grant is not currently being offered at this time. Please check back in the future. When available, official application announcements will be made via a press release.


Looking for summer reading/learning resources? Visit our .

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