YALSA Handouts and Flyers

Downloads and more for presentations and workshops


YALSA offers several downloadable resources about its events and resources. You can download the following tools, including presentations, handouts, and flyers for use at conferences, presentations, workshops, and other events.

Advocacy Tools | Bibliographies, Competencies, and Guidelines | Canned Presentations | Membership | Professional Development | Publications & Resources I Teen Reading | Technology | Toolkits

Advocacy Tools

10 Things You Didn't Know Were In Your Library (PDF)

60+ Advocacy Activities (PDF)

Act for School Libraries (PDF)


Dipping Your Toe in the Advocacy Pool (PowerPoint presentation from YALSA)

Legislative Advocacy Guide (PDF)

Librarians Are a Teacher's Best Friend! (PDF)

Libraries: Your Afterschool Partner (PDF)

Teens Need Libraries (PDF) --print this and share it with elected officials & others

What Public Libraries Do for Teens (PDF - infographic)

Bibliographies, Competencies, and Guidelines


Research Committee Annotated Bibliographies


Canned Presentations

These presentations were created by YALSA to use at workshops, conferences and presentations.


Teen Read Week (PowerPoint)

Teen Tech Week (PowerPoint)



YALSA for Every Budget (PDF)

YALSA Membership Brochure (PDF)

Get Involved with YALSA Infographic (PDF)

YALSA Fact Sheet (PDF)

YALSA International Members Flyer (PDF)

YALSA Member Grants and Awards (PDF)

YALSA’s Teen Book Finder (PDF)

Professional Development

Training and Continuing Education Resources

Publications & Resources

50 Tips for Publishing with YALSA (PDF)



Inclusive Teen Services: Selected Resources from YALSA (PDF)

Journal of Research on Libraries & Young Adults Flyer (PDF)




(PDF) -- full report

(PDF) -- executive summary

YALSA Position Papers

YALSA GSLIS Student Resources (PDF)

Teen Reading

(including free bookmarks & more)

Literary Awards Flyer (PDF)

Lee por el gusto de leer (PDF) (Recommended titles in English and Spanish, funded by the Dollar General Literacy Foundation)

Parents' Guide to Teen Reading Brochure (English) (PDF)

Parents' Guide to Teen Reading Brochure (Spanish) (PDF)

2016 Selected Lists (PDF)

Teen Book Finder App (PDF)

Teen Read Week (PDF)

Teens' Top Ten (PDF)

Teens' Top Ten Nominations Toolkit (Word Doc)

YALSA's Ultimate Teen Bookshelf (PDF)



Librarians' Social Networking Toolkit (PDF)

STEM Programming Toolkit (DOC)

Teen Book Finder App (PDF)

Teens' Guide to Social Networking Brochure (PDF)

YALSA Online Resources (PDF)



Public Library & School Library Collaboration Toolkit


Teens' Top Ten Toolkit (DOC)