Frances Henne/YALSA Grant Application


The Frances Henne Research Grant annually provides $1,000 in seed money for small scale research or action research projects that respond to the . This grant is administered by YALSA.


  1. Applicants must be personal members of YALSA, although the research project may be undertaken by an individual, an institution, or by a group. Student members are eligible to apply.
  2. The proposed research must be a response to the , , and of YALSA, and for the general area of library service to young adults.
  3. Proposals must be and must include the following:
  • Title
  • Objectives
  • Problem Statement/Questions to be Answered
  • Methodology, including how data will be collected and analyzed.
  • Significance of the project, in light of previous research.
  • Projected timeline (Project should be completed within a 12 to 18 month period, and a report filed with YALSA within six months of completion of the study.)
  • Indicate the way that the money will be used.
  • Brief biographical data on researcher on a separate sheet, with contact information including e-mail, as well as the researcher's °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥ membership number.

Selection of the recipient will be made by the and is announced each February. Selection will be based on the criteria indicated above.

Winners are required to write a 500-word summary of their research project within one year of receipt of the grant funds, to be considered for publication by YALSA and/or write a more substantial article for publication for the . °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥/YALSA has the right of first consideration for publication of research results.

Application & Deadline

may be up through December 1 of each year.

Refer requests for information to:

The award was sponsored by VOYA magazine until 2018.


2020 - No winner

2012 - Sylvia Vardell

2011 - Shannon Crawford Barniskis

2010 - Janet Newsum and Marcia Mardis

2009 - Amy Alessio and Marc Aronson

2008 - Arlene Weber Morales

2007 - Holly Anderton and Karen Brooks-Reese

2006 - Rebecca J. Cohen

2005 - no recipient

2004 - Amy Alessio and Nick Buron

2003 - Kelley McDaniel

2002 - Teri Lesesne

2001 - Patrick Jones

2000 - Kay Bishop and Patricia Bauer

1999 - Sheila B. Anderson and John P. Bradford

1998 - no recipient

1997 - no recipient

1996 - Evie Wilson Lingbloom, Carol Doll and Barbara Carmody

1995 - no recipient

1994 - Kathy Latrobe & Michael Havener (co-recipients)

1993 - no recipient

1992 - Joan Atkinson

1991 - no recipient