Advertising Opportunities
For information contact Allison Cline at or (312) 280-4385. Download AASL Media Kit
Knowledge Quest
Knowledge Quest is the official publication of AASL. KQ is devoted to offering substantive information to assist building-level school librarians, supervisors, library educators, and other decision makers concerned with the development of school library programs and services. Articles address the integration of theory and practice in school librarianship and new developments in education, learning theory, and relevant disciplines.
The print edition of Knowledge Quest is published five times a year. Download Media Kit for ad rates, specs and insertion order form.
Knowledge Quest Website
The serves as a companion piece to the print publication. The KQ site is the vehicle for school librarians to transform learning. KQ offers breaking news, inspired blogs, and passionate conversations developing insightful professionals and stronger communities. AASL members, school librarians, and educators have made KQ their go-to site for all things school library and education related. New blog posts/news stories are posted daily.
Download media kit for website ad and sponsored blog post rates, specs, and insertion order form.
AASL Friday Forecast E-newsletter
The AASL Friday Forecast is a weekly e-newsletter sent to all AASL members that provides a quick and easy reference to deadlines, events, and the work of the association. A sponsorship in AASL Friday Forecast enables you to be the sole advertiser in a widely read, weekly e-newsletter. (AASL membership is not required to subscribe to AASL Friday Forecast.)
Download media kit for Friday Forecast rates, specs, and insertion order form.
School Library SmartBrief
is a free news service that supplies insights and resources to school library professionals and community leaders. It also provides literacy best practices and professional learning and development information for school librarians and educators. It's distributed once a week. (AASL membership is not required to subscribe to School Library SmartBrief.)