Research and Statistics Archive


School Libraries Count! longitudinal study
"School Libraries Count!" aims to gather data on changes in the field to gain understanding of the state of school library programs nationally.

Working Together Is Working Smarter Infographic
This infographic details key school librarian findings from Remodeling Literacy Learning: Making Room for What Works, a report released by the National Center for Literacy Education (NCLE) in April 2013. The report reveals that school librarians are highly involved leaders playing a critical role in their schools through consistent and sustained collaboration with other educators. Additionally, school librarians not only participate in but deliver professional development to peers, educators and staff in their schools. Read an executive summary prepared by the AASL Research & Statistics Committee.

AASL Urban Schools Task Force Survey Report
The AASL Urban Schools Task Force was charged to pull together data and resources related to urban school libraries in order to recommend urban school library support strategies. The task force conducted two national surveys to gain feedback from urban librarians and urban library administrators about their current work situations and specific needs.

The Condition of U.S. Libraries: Trends, 1999 - 2009
The following report highlights US economic trends (2009) and summarizes trends in public, school, and academic libraries during the current decade for: Number of Libraries and Population Served, Expenditures, Staffing, and Services. The compilation was prepared in December 2009 for the staff and member leaders of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥ to support its planning activities.

The Condition of U.S. Libraries: School Library Trends, 1999 - 2009
This report is excerpted from the "The Condition of U.S. Libraries: Trends, 1999 - 2009" and presents the economic landscape and detail about school libraries.

This Web site is based on the report "Overview and Inventory of State Education Reforms: 1990 to 2000," and is updated periodically to incorporate new data on state education reform activities.

A First Look report at the public school library media center results of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) 2011-2012 School and Staffing Survey (SASS). AASL Executive Summary of 2011-2012 NCES SASS results

The Second Evaluation of the Improving Literacy Through School Libraries Program (2009) provides findings on how grant funds are targeted to schools, uses of the grant funds, staff collaboration and professional development, and the relationship between participation in the program and reading achievement scores.