Interest Groups
AIRUS: Artificial Intelligence in Reference & User Services Interest Group
This professional community has been intentionally designed and developed to cater specifically to the needs and interests of library professionals specializing in reference and user services who wish to delve into the multifaceted applications of artificial intelligence (AI) within the library environment. We will discuss the potential of AI tools like GenAI and AI assistants to facilitate information access and explore how AI can expand understanding of a given topic, enhance user searches, expedite resource discovery, bolster AI and information literacy (IL) skills, and the ethical considerations surrounding AI use in libraries, including data privacy and potential biases.
This forum is for library professionals to network, share best practices, learn from each other's experiences, collaborate on leveraging AI tools in instruction and IL intervention, and develop expertise in AI to shape the future of library user services. To foster cross-divisional communication and learning, this group will endeavor to spark discussions, create professional development opportunities, and guide navigating the ever-evolving AI landscape.
Want to become a member of AIRUS? Join this to become a member of AIRUS.
Melissa Del Castillo,, Chair
Steering Committee: Lisa Boyd,, Tori Golden,, Jennifer Goodland,, Charles Hill,, Sandy McCarthy,, Abe Nemon,, & Ashley Tschakert Foertmeyer,
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Federal and Armed Forces Libraries
Provides a forum for discussion of interests and networking for those who work in federal and armed forces libraries.
Adria Olmi, Chair.
Elan Marae Birkeland, Chair-Elect
Ben Leubsdorf, Immediate Past Chair
Christina Dominique-Pierre, Secretary.
Ebony McDonald, Armed Forces Representative and Communications Committee Chair
Heather Goyette, Federal Representative
Jackie Evans, Communications Committee Chair
Gabby Amorelli, Programming Committee Chair
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Financial Literacy Interest Group
Many libraries of all types are involved or want to be involved in providing financial literacy programming, financial reference assistance, personal finance collections, and other library services and resources that support their users’ information needs for financial decision-making. This RUSA interest group is focused on sharing ideas and building a community around those already engaged in or interested in exploring the topic of financial literacy and libraries.
Emily Mross, , Co-Chair
Rene Blank,, Co-Chair
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First Year Experience
The purpose of this IG is to share ideas and develop new connections for future collegiality and support. Topics for discussions include but are not limited to retention improvements, introduction to higher education research skills development, outreach, first generation students, international students, students enrolled simultaneously in high school and college (dual enrollment programs), reference services, etc.
Summer Peng,, Chair.
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Physical Delivery Interest Group
This Physical Delivery Interest Group is member led and welcomes anyone who has an interest in the physical transport of materials. We encourage members to share information about their library consortias and library delivery service providers, new projects indivuals are working on, and we support an open dialog. Our focus topics include, but are not limited to, material handling, labeling and packaging, delivery costs, quality assurance, contracts, terms and conditions, delivery trends and any other topics our members bring forth.
Amanda Malikowski, Co-Chair.
Ralph Bingham,, Co-Chair
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Shared Collections
This IG will focus on the topic of Shared Collections, which can encompass shared print initiatives, shared storage facilities, and prospective sharing of collections through cooperative collection development.
Sherri Michaels, Co-Chair.
Nelia Koontz,, Co-Chair
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