III. Guidelines for the External Review Panel


III.1 Role of accreditation [pdf]

III.2 Composition of the External Review Panel [pdf]

III.3 Site visit schedule [pdf]

III.4 Conflict of interest policy for the ERP [pdf]

III.5 Role and responsibilities of the ERP [pdf]

III.5.1 Responsibilities of the ERP Chair

III.5.2 Responsibilities of ERP members

III.5.3 General Recommendations

III.5.4 Confidentiality

III.6 Site visit exit briefing [pdf]

III.6.1 Purpose of the exit briefing

III.6.2 Content of the Exit Briefing

III.7 The ERP report [pdf]

III.7.1 Content of the report

III.7.1(a) Introduction

III.7.1(b) Analysis

III.7.1(c) Summary

III.7.2 Format of the ERP report

III.7.3 ERP report title page

III.7.4 ERP report organization

III.7.5 Deadlines

III.8 Timeline for Self-Study review and ERP report [pdf]