Suggested Activities
- Organize a pen pals program for library staff and users to learn from and about each other.
- Initiate contact via e-mail to discuss issues and concerns.
- Arrange to exchange displays of books and cultural materials.
- Arrange for short-term exchanges of professional staff.
- Organize a delegation of staff and community members to visit your Sister Library.
- Arrange for interlibrary loan to facilitate document delivery between libraries.
- Donate useful books or journals.
- Exchange local newspapers, cultural materials, bibliographies, artifacts and displays of interest.
- Offer to assist in purchasing material that are difficult to find in the other country.
- Provide assistance at local professional meetings attended by staff of the Sister Library.
- Exchange staff newsletters.
- Create a bulletin board display with photos of your Sister library, its staff and users. Send a scrapbook, slide presentation or videotape of your library to your Sister Library.
- Publicize your Sister Library status via your library newsletter and at speaking engagements with the Rotary, Chamber of Commerce and other groups with an international focus in your community. Provide interviews and photo opportunities with local media.
- Set up an evaluation mechanism to help both libraries celebrate their successes and learn from their mistakes.
For More Information:
International Relations Office
Telephone: 800-545-2433, ext. 3201
Fax: 312-280-4392