The 2009 recipient for the W. David Rozkuska Scholarship is Justin Joque. Justin is a staff member at the University of Michigan Graduate Library, and is a student in the School of Information, expecting to finish his degree in December 2010. Justin splits his time at his job between the Serials and Microforms Departments and the Government Documents Department. It is his work in the Government Documents Department that has truly sparked his professional interest.
Justin's keen eye for detail in collection maintenance was particularly noted by his references. Justin has also been commended by his colleagues as having equally strong understandings of user-design issues and technology, something we can all appreciate as a newly emerging core competency in our field. As one of his references noted, “Justin possesses the skill-set that many documents librarians have now, but will become essential for librarians in the future.”
Justin also works the Documents Center public services desk, where he finds the reference work, particularly with data sets, to be both challenging and exciting. He looks forward to continuing his work in academic libraries with government documents collections, and this scholarship will allow him to continue to work towards this goal.