The Federal Register: Origins, formulation, realization, and heritage

written by Harold Relyea and printed in Government Information Quarterly, July 2011, vol. 28, no. 3, pgs. 295-302.

Harold Relyea headshot



The article focuses on the origin and development of the Federal Register, its significance as a publication, its role in creating greater government transparency and the legacy of the Federal Register Act. This article cites government information from hearings, statutes, court cases as well as documents, reports, and files in the National Archives from a wide variety of federal agencies, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, and congressional testimony.

Awards Won

Title Year
lane_saunders.jpg Margaret T. Lane/ Virginia F. Saunders Memorial Research Award


The award will be given annually to an author or shared among collaborative authors of an outstanding research article in which government documents, either published or archival in nature, form a substantial part of the documented research. Preference may be given to articles published in library literature but the award is not restricted to articles in library journals.
2012 - Recipient(s)