Literary Landmark: Toledo-Lucas County Public Library - Carolyn Keene


Toledo, Ohio

Dedicated May 30, 2015

Partners: Library Legacy Foundation, Nancy Drew Sleuths, The Blade

Author and journalist Mildred A. Wirt Benson (1905-2008) - known by many by her pen name Carolyn Keene - moved to Toledo in 1938. The library owns many items relating to the life and work of Benson, including original art from the fifth Nancy Drew book and a life-sized Nancy Drew diorama from the first Nancy Drew book. The Library also holds copies of all her children's books (135 titles) in the Blade Rare Book Room (third level of Main Library) as well as a few photographs, letters, and her aviation logbooks. Benson was a reporter for the The Blade and the former Toledo Times.

2015 marked not only the 110th anniversary of Benson’s birthday, but also the 85th anniversary of the Nancy Drew Mystery series and the 110th anniversary of the Stratemeyer Syndicate (publisher of the Nancy Drew mysteries, The Hardy Boys and dozens of other series for children).

The Literary Landmark dedication coincided with the Nancy Drew Sleuths convention meeting at the library. Prior to the dedication, Nancy Drew Sleuths President Jennifer Fisher, who is working on a biography of Benson, gave an informational program.
