Success Stories
- Obstetricians' offices present a parenting film at end of the first trimester at which time the packets are distributed. White Sands Jr. Woman's Club, Almogordo, NM
- City Health Department nurses hand deliver the packets to new mothers. Anne Arundel County Library, Annapolis, MD
- Packets are given to agencies serving low income families and they are presented personally. Homewood Branch, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, PA
- Distribution is through hospital prenatal classes and Health Department. Friends of Kingsport Public Library, Kingsport, TN
- Hospital Patient Representatives present to new moms at hospital as well as at the hospital childbirth classes. School District Family Centered Programs and Kiwanis, Starkville, MS
- Packets are made available to day care provider's homes. Library System, Alexandria, VA
- Personal presentation to expectant moms or moms of newborns from a booth at the Health Fair sponsored by the Emergency Food Center (distributing formula, diapers, etc. to needy families). Kiwanis Club of Pleasant Grove, Dallas, TX
- Original presentation was through childbirth classes with a library coupon to redeem the board book and Read to Me. This produced a low response at the library. Then distribution was made through ten area day schools, targeting children one year or younger. Paradise Valley Junior Women's Club, Phoenix, AZ
- Distribution through WIC (Women, Infants and Children), a federal program for low income families. Mothers with infants come monthly to three church sites for coupons for juice, cheese and specific foods. Libraries are a block away and when packets are personally presented, a librarian also gives a pitch. Seneca Falls, NY Kiwanis
- Church guild works with local Literacy Council through the hospital to reach at-risk babies. All Saints Episcopal Church, McAlester, OK
- Five Women's Club members have been cleared by hospital, becoming volunteers. Each takes one day per week and personally presents packets to first time moms only. Kenwood Woman's Club, Cincinnati, OH
- Packets are given to local midwives as well as to hospitals. Waynesboro Public Library, Waynesboro, PA