2009 Trustee Citations


shirley bruursema

Shirley Bruursema

Shirley Bruursema is chairperson of the Kent (Mich.) District Library and president of the board of directors of the Michigan Library Association’s Trustees and Advocates Division. For many years she was on the board of the Lakeland (Mich.) Library Cooperative, where she served as president, vice president, treasurer and board member. As a member of the Association for Library Trustees and Advocates (ALTA), she has served as president, division councilor, executive board member, chair of the National Honor Roll Banquet, regional vice president and member of the budget and legislation committees. Bruursema has been a delegate for the White House Conference on Libraries. She was treasurer and co-chair of millage campaigns that continued the Kent District Library’s service to 26 communities and 18 libraries. Bruursema has also volunteered in assisting other communities with their millage campaigns.

david goldsmith

David Goldsmith

David Goldsmith served on the Prince George’s County (Md.) Memorial Library board for 17 years. After moving to Baltimore County, he was appointed to the board of the Baltimore County Public Library, where he has served since 1995. He served as vice president and president of both boards. He has been a member of ALTA for 30 years and has served on ALTA’s board as a regional vice president, as well as on several committees. Goldsmith has acted as vice president and president of the Maryland Library Association’s Trustees Division and participated in the association’s legislative efforts to obtain additional funds and support from the Maryland General Assembly. He was appointed by the governor of Maryland to the Maryland Advisory Council on Libraries. He also serves on the board of directors of the Citizens for Maryland Libraries.