ࡱ> >@= ibjbj 480---8e-54(333333358333F33`0P2P-R13405416 98\ 9,P2 9P2t33t54 9 : ϲʿֱֳ Committee on Accreditation Actions Taken Fall 2013 Meeting Issued December 20, 2013 Members of the 2013-2014 ϲʿֱֳ Committee on Accreditation: Barbara Moran (Chair), Elizabeth Aversa, Anthony Bernier, Jean Donham, Joan Giesecke, Joan S. Howland, Ling Hwey Jeng, Laura M. Neumann, Mary Stansbury, Candace Wells, Vicki Williamson, Arthuree Wright. At its Fall Meeting, held November 21-22, 2013, the ϲʿֱֳ Committee on Accreditation (COA) took the following actions: Accreditation Decisions Conditional accreditation status was maintained for the following program with the next comprehensive review visit scheduled to take place in fall 2014: Master of Library Science offered by Queens College, City University of New York Conditional accreditation status was granted to the following program with the next comprehensive review visit scheduled to take place in fall 2016: Master of Science in Library and Information Science offered by Pratt Institute Precandidacy accreditation status was granted to the following program: Master of Management in Library and Information Science offered by the University of Southern California Reports Reviewed and responded to special reports from five programs. Reviewed and responded to a revised biennial narrative report from one program. Accepted a plan for removal of conditional status from one program. Committee Matters Issued a Notice of Concern to one program. Met with one program seeking precandidacy accreditation status. Met with one program with conditional accreditation status. Reviewed appeal proceedings. Discussed and approved a draft revision to the Standards for Accreditation of Masters Programs in Library and Information Studies to release publicly for comment. Reviewed the COA Strategic Plan, 2011-2015, including timelines and responsibilities. Reviewed responsibilities, plans, and timelines of the Standards Review Subcommittee. Reviewed responsibilities, plans, and timelines of the Programming Subcommittee. Reviewed responsibilities, plans, and timelines of the Policy and Planning Subcommittee.     Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 2 9QR\tv  % 7 8 H W g i x z  " ƽƫӫƥx hbBhbBhbBh/hO5>*hOhO5>* hvh4| hvh' htaJhthtaJhvhaJhvh6JaJ hOaJ hvh6JhO hvh hO5\hvh5\hvhb5\ hvhb.89[\uvz { "  & FgdO & FgdbBxgdOxgd/gd4|$d&dNPgd$a$gd$a$gd9$a$" Z d    ! 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