Technology Trends
Emerging Tech Trends in Libraries
Webinar: Infopeople
Part 1, December 9, 2015:
Part 2, February 2, 2016:
Part 3, March 1, 2016:
Part 8, May 8, 2018:
Archived webinars sponsored by Infopeople on emerging technology trends in libraries.
Emerging Technology Trends and the Library, April 27, 2016
Webinar: Demco, Inc.
Learn about the newest trends in library technology and discover simple and budget-friendly ways to bring them to your library today.
Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report
Website: Recode
Legendary internet stock analyst Mary Meeker gives her annual look at the internet.
Public Libraries Leading the Way
Column: Information Technology and Libraries
"Public Libraries Leading the Way" is a regular column in (ITAL), an online publication for Library Information Technology Association (LITA). Essays in this series highlight a technology-based innovation or approach to problem solving from the public library perspective.
Tech Trends
Article: American Libraries Magazine
May 1, 2017:
March 1, 2019:
Current trends in technology related or of interest to libraries.
Raspberry Pi
Building Small, Cheap, Dedicated Catalog Stations: Do-It-Yourself Raspberry Pi OPACS, May 1, 2015
Article: Public Libraries Online
Public Libraries Online blogpost on how to configure a Raspberry Pi to run as an online public access catalog (OPAC).
Raspberry Pi for Educators and Librarians, July 28, 2014
Article: TechSoup For Libraries
TechSoup For Libraries blogpost on Raspberry Pi usage in libraries.