Technology Reference
Mr. Library Dude
Blog: Mr. Library Dude
Technology posts cover a broad topic range and include step-by-step directions and photos. Posts have covered iPads, tweeting, big data, and 3D printing.
Teaching Technology
Article: Public Libraries Online
This interview with Mikael Jacobsen, Learning Experiences Manager at Skokie (IL) Public Library, shares her tips and tricks for teaching technology to patrons.
Technologies Librarians Need to Know
Blog Post: LibGig
This blog post looked at current and emerging library trends in 2017. Skills needed are arranged by type of library and job responsibilities.
Tools and Resources for Trainers
Website:, Public Library Association
This website includes curricula for Getting Started, Hardware, Software & Applications, and Job & Careers classes for public library patrons. It also includes blank templates for designing your own classes.
Top Ten Skills for Teaching Tech to Patrons, 2014
Webinar: Webjunction
This webinar discusses the top ten skills for teaching technology to patrons, whether it’s one-on-one or in a class.