On-Demand Webinars: Technology

Expand Library Digital Equity Services with New Funds Now!


Get essential information, examples, and practical tips to apply for once-in-a-generation opportunities to advance the digital equity work your library is already doing.

I Stream, You Stream: Offering Customizable Streaming Apps for Checkout


Learn how to provide access to a menu of streaming app optons so patrons are able to stream movies and television episodes.

Technology in Public Libraries: Results from PLA’s 2023 Annual Survey


Learn how your library can use the 2023 Public Library Technology Survey report and PLA’s data tools to understand and improve your library's performance, demonstrate value, and increase impact in your community.

Data Tools for Library Groups and States


ACRL and PLA staff discuss the data and assessment products, Project Outcome and Benchmark, and how they can help your group, consortia, or state library administrative agency.

PLA 2023 Technology Survey: Free Information Session


Provides an overview of PLA’s 2023 Technology Survey and covers why your library’s response matters.

150 Million New Technology-Oriented Jobs and the Skills Needed to Get Them


Libraries and communities need to act now to ensure those hit by job losses direct their energies into promising career paths and develop the skills they need to gain employment.

Virtual Platform Possibilities – Providing Digital Skilling Resources for Patrons


In this on-demand webinar, digital literacy experts discuss ways to offer or expand virtual digital skill development programs for patrons and staff, and support technology training in a virtual environment.

Public Libraries Respond to COVID-19: Successful Ways to Work Remotely


Learn about software and technology options and gain best practices for being a successful remote employee or manager.

Public Libraries Respond to COVID-19: Strategies for Advancing Digital Equity Now


Speakers share strategies ranging from amplifying WiFi signals to deploying mobile hotspots to mapping and publicizing public WiFi access.