NMRT Mentoring Program
Mentoring Guidelines || Testimonial
Do you sometimes feel you have professional questions to ask and no one to direct them to?
Do you find yourself wishing that someone would have been there to teach you all that you now know?
Would you like to walk alongside a new librarian as they enter the profession?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Mentoring Program is for you! The Mentoring Committee of NMRT is sponsoring this project to help newcomers to librarianship navigate their way in the profession.
Interested? As a mentor or a mentee, you can participate in the following programs:
1. Career Mentoring: a year-round program to connect a newer librarian with a seasoned librarian for a mentoring relationship relating to career development in librarianship. Conference mentoring participants may choose to extend into the career mentoring program at their discretion. Applications for Career Mentoring for the 2023-2024 committee year are now available. Click to apply.
Mentors and mentees will be matched based on the information provided. Please see Mentoring Guidelines for details.