For immediate release | October 10, 2024
Kevin King, elected to lead Core in 2025-26, will step away from the position
CHICAGO - Kevin A. R. King, in line for the Core division of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥ presidency, will not assume the role citing his new Library Director role requires his full attention. He took office as president elect after °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥ Annual Conference in early July, and he would have been president in 2025-26.
King was elected 2025-26 Core president in the spring, with results announced April 8. He is the library director of the East Lansing (MI) Public Library.
“My election as the Core president-elect just happened to coincide with my accepting a new position as the Director of the East Lansing (MI) Public Library. At first, I thought I could manage both roles. It has become obvious to me, that I cannot effectively do the work of Core president-elect and lead a public library. My first responsibility is to the staff of ELPL and the citizens of East Lansing. This is why I decided, with a heavy heart, to resign from Core,” said King.
"It is unfortunate that Kevin will be unable to serve as Core's member-elected president in 2025-26. We respect his decision, and we are grateful for his service to Core thus far," Core President Angie Ohler said. "We wish him well in his new position as the Director of the East Lansing (MI) Public Library."
In accordance with Core’s Bylaws, the Board of Directors shall appoint a member to fulfill this vacancy. The Board will work quickly to fill this position. The appointed member shall complete the term of the Core president-elect, then serve as president, and conclude service as past president.
Julie Reese
Core Executive Director
Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures
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