Become a Sister Library
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Each Sister Library relationship is unique. Once two libraries decide to partner, they establish the level of commitment that they are both comfortable with; the partnership can be as formal or informal as desired.
✓ Promote awareness of libraries and their international reach.
✓ Improve access to published information in both countries.
✓ Raise awareness of issues and needs facing libraries in various countries.
✓ Offer opportunities to learn more about a region or country represented by an immigrant group in your community.
✓ Share techniques and technologies to help solve problems.
✓ Broaden both your own and your staff’s view of the library profession.
✓ Increase staff and community knowledge of other cultures.
✓ Share information, resources, expertise, and training between libraries.
- First, read our checklist, which will help you plan and think about your goals for a Sister Library partnership. We strongly recommend doing this before contacting a potential library.
- Get tips on how to find a Sister Library.
- Browse “” list of libraries seeking a Sister Library partnership. If you wish to be added to the list so that a potential Sister Library can find you, complete this form: .
- Explore more ideas about library partnerships.
We are always interested in hearing new suggestions. Email them to
For More Information:
International Relations Office
Telephone: 800-545-2433, ext. 3201
Fax: 312-280-4392