Using the Constitution as the cohesive thread, “Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War” offers a fresh and innovative perspective on Lincoln that focuses on his struggle to meet the political and constitutional challenges of the Civil War. Organized
This national project, begun in 1992 as “Writers Live at the Library,” provides grant opportunities for libraries to present theme-based cultural programming for adults and family audiences to explore important issues and ideas, featuring live appearances by
In the spirit of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥'s New Members Round Table (NMRT), this award fosters active involvement in °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥ through various special events at the Annual Conference. The Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award is presented to two NMRT members each
To provide librarians and paraprofessionals new to the preservation field with the opportunity to attend a professional conference and encourages professional development through active participation at the national level. The grant is to be used for airfare
is a community of early career professionals and students from across the world working to create an open system for research and education. The annual conference provides an opportunity for the next generation of open practitioners and researchers to
Through this innovative program, students and citizens will gain a deeper appreciation of our country's history and character through the study and understanding of its art. “Picturing America” provides public libraries and schools (K–12, public, private
“Pride and Passion: The African American Baseball Experience” has been designated as part of the ’ (NEH) “We the People” initiative, exploring significant events and themes in our nation’s history and culture and advancing
Created by the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities (LEH) in 1991, PRIME TIME Family Reading Time is an award-winning reading, discussion, and storytelling series based on illustrated children’s books. National expansion is made possible through a grant from
The Dun & Bradstreet Public Librarian Support Award is an annual award of $1,000 to support the attendance at Annual Conference of a public librarian who has performed outstanding business reference service and who requires financial assistance to attend the
The Romance Writers of America Library Grant is designed to provide a public library the opportunity to build or expand its romance fiction collection and/or host romance fiction programming. The grant consists of $4,500 to be used toward the purchase of