Guidelines and Standards


Library Privacy Guidelines

Guidelines for Standardized Cataloging for Children, 5th
Chapter 1 of the 5th edition of the very popular title, Cataloging Correctly for Kids, 2010. Official guidelines from the past Cataloging and Classification Section of ALCTS. 2010

Guide to the ANSI/NISO/LBI Library Binding Standard
Illuminates the technical Standard with its parallel numbering scheme, which allows side-by-side reading of the two documents. The Guide translates the technical jargon into language that can be readily understood by library staff. 2009

Audio-Visuals for Training Staff and Users in the Care and Handling of Library and Archival Materials
Sources for Training Staff and Users in the Care and Handling of Library and Archival Materials 2008

Guidelines for Preservation Photocopying of Replacement Pages
Photocopied replacement pages are required when parts of original texts have been removed or lost. 2008

Preservation Manager's Guide to Cost Analysis
Clearly defines and describes the role of cost analysis in preservation management. The authors use real world examples to illustrate how and when to apply cost analysis methodologies which helps preservation managers plan effectively and make persuasive cases to resource allocators. 2008

Resources for Selecting and Working with a Library Binder
Links to web sites and other resources for information about vendors for library binding. 2001

Guidelines for Packaging and Shipping Microforms
Intended to provide advice to those in libraries and elsewhere who have occasion to ship microforms. 2008

Guidelines on When to Create a New Record
Supplements descriptive cataloging rules by providing information about creating new records or updating existing records. Helps catalogers determine whether the item in hand can be cataloged with existing copy or requires a new bibliographic record. 2007

Guidelines for Cataloging Record Sets
Encourages cataloging of sets in any format if the set is not complete. 2006

Serials Presentation Guidelines (What's in a Name?)
Your publication has a wider audience than you think. Besides your subscribers, other readers want to find your publication in libraries or order it from a subscription service. Directory publishers and abstracting and indexing services might want to include your title in their directory or product. Readers might want to cite your publication or articles from it in their writing. In all of these cases, having a clear and consistent title, a unique numerical identifier, and clearly presented publication information will make these tasks much easier. 2005

Guidelines to Supplement the Code of Ethics
Assists Core members in interpreting and applying the 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 Code of Ethics as it applies to issues of concern to Core. 2004

Serials Standards Bibliography
This bibliography provides a single source for standards relating to serials. 2001

Guidelines for Subject Analysis of Audiovisual Materials
These guidelines, intended for the use of librarians and administrators responsible for providing access to library materials, give direction for the subject analysis of audiovisual materials. 1992

Guidelines for Packaging and Shipping Magnetic Tape Recordings and Optical Discs
Guidelines intended to provide advice on shipping magnetic tape and optical disk (CD-ROM or CD-R) recordings. 1989

Guidelines for Cataloging Microform Sets
These guidelines encourage the cataloging of microform sets and have them available to other libraries through set-processing capability. 1989

澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 Filing Rules
RTSD Filing Committee.; 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 Filing Rules; $15; $13.50 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 Members; 50 pages; 1980; 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 Editions; ISBN: 0-8389-3255-X 1980