Keep Core Journals Open
Core publishes its three journals open access without charging authors fees. We invite your library to join Core in sustaining the continued excellence and availability of these journals. Now you can show your support by selecting the collection [澳门六合彩开奖现场直播] 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 / Core Division Open Access Journals in EBSCONET and Fokus (Harrassowitz) and pledging $300 per year.
Spreading open access publishing costs across many institutions ensures sustainable and fair funding of these journals. We hope that by making this collection available from your libraries’ preferred subscription agent, it will be easier than ever to show your support. With your participation, you secure the availability and independence of three fundamental library and information science journals into the future. Participating institutions will be acknowledged on the 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播/Core website.
List of Journals
(ITAL) publishes original material related to all aspects of information technology in all types of libraries. Topic areas include, but are not limited to, library automation, digital libraries, metadata, identity management, distributed systems and networks, computer security, intellectual property rights, technical standards, geographic information systems, desktop applications, information discovery tools, web-scale library services, cloud computing, digital preservation, data curation, virtualization, search-engine optimization, emerging technologies, social networking, open data, the semantic web, mobile services and applications, usability, universal access to technology, library consortia, vendor relations, and digital humanities.
(LL&M) focuses on assisting library administrators and managers at all levels as they deal with day-to-day challenges. In-depth articles address a wide variety of management issues and highlight examples of successful management methods used in libraries. Features include interviews with prominent practitioners in libraries and related fields, and columns with practical advice on managing libraries.
(LRTS) is a peer-reviewed journal that takes a critical approach to the questions and challenges facing librarians and libraries with regard to collections, scholarly communication, preservation (including digitization), acquisitions (including licensing and economic aspects of acquisitions), continuing resources, cataloging (including descriptive metadata, authority control, subject analysis, and classification). LRTS publishes both research papers and thoughtful explorations of operational issues that have value and implications for other libraries.