Metadata and Collections Section
Our community addresses and improves all aspects of acquisitions, cataloging, collections, continuing resources, metadata, preservation, reformatting, and technical services in all types of libraries. Examples of our work include, but are not limited to:
- Sharing best practices and knowledge in work areas that support collections and discovery;
- Identifying best practices for equity, diversity, and inclusion in the development and description of collections;
- Creation and input on standards and best practices for selection, acquisition, description, access, and preservation of information resources;
- Preservation of both print, media, and digital resources.
Have questions about this section? Contact the Metadata & Collections Section Leadership Team.
- (CC:AAM)
- (CC:CYM)
- (CC:DA)
- World Languages Acquisitions
- Core Competencies for Cataloging and Metadata Professional Librarians (2023)
- Duplicates Exchange Union (DEU)
- Foreign Book Dealers Directory
- Joint Statement on the Metadata Rights of Libraries
- journal
- (PDF)
- Preservation Statistics
- Prices of U.S. and Foreign Published Materials
- (PDF)
- WMS Sandbox for Core Members