Each year the Diversity Research Grant Advisory Committee seeks to recognize an individual for advancing research that informs diversity, equity and outreach efforts in Library and Information Science by honoring them with an Achievement in Library Diversity Research designation. Achievement is defined as a body of published work or a groundbreaking piece whose dissemination advances our understanding of or sparks new research in the areas of diversity, equity and outreach. Entries are not limited to peer reviewed, scholarly publication. We welcome open access and other forms of published dissemination. Nominations are accepted year-round and an honoree will be selected from the pool of nominees received by April 30.
Raymond Pun, doctoral student in educational leadership at California State University (CODEL), is the recipient of the 2018 °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥ (°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥) Achievement in Library...
Dr. Nicole A. Cooke’s work moves beyond documenting disparities in the numbers of racial and ethnic minority faculty in LIS. She goes on to suggest recruitment...
Dr. Cooke’s research and teaching interests include human information behavior, fake news consumption and resistance, critical cultural information studies, and diversity and social justice in...
Dr. Jamie Campbell Naidoo’s career has focused on services to diverse families and children. His research interests include the portrayal of underrepresented groups in...
Gerald Holmes’ career has focused on the development of early career librarians, and through that work he has consistently encouraged individuals from underrepresented backgrounds to...
Dr. Patricia Montiel-Overall has had a full career focused on education, early literacy and cultural competence. Her teaching includes courses on school library administration, children...
Richard Chabrán has had a full career in libraries, including work at the Chicano Studies Library at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Chicano...
Dr. Camila Alire, dean emerita at the University of New Mexico Libraries and Colorado State University Libraries, was named the 2011 Achievement in Library Diversity...
With a full career in academic and research libraries, Dr. Stanton Biddle’s contributions to the professional literature include titles on university planning, African American history...
Clara M. Chu, an associate professor at the Department of Information Studies, UCLA, has published, presented, and consulted internationally in English and Spanish on...
Dr. Ethelene Whitmire, assistant professor in the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies (GSE&IS) - Department of Information Studies at UCLA, is the recipient...
As an associate professor at the School of Communication, Information and Library Studies of Rutgers University, Mark Winston has published an enormous body of work...
As a university professor at the University of South Florida, School of Library and Information Science, Kathleen de la Peña McCook has published an enormous...
Achievement is defined as a body of published work or a groundbreaking piece whose dissemination advances our understanding of or sparks new research in the areas of diversity, equity and outreach.