Use Media


Thanks to the wide variety of media available, you can broadcast your message quickly, widely, and often in full color. The wealth of media choices also enables you to match the channel to your particular message. Whichever platform you choose, keep your message simple, consistent with your library’s message--if you are working as an independent group--and the same across all platforms you use. When appropriate on electronic media, remember to crosspost!

Electronic Media | Print Media

Electronic Media


Facebook is the most popular social networking service in the U.S. It can be viewed from computers, handheld devices, and smart phones. Facebook lets users post updates and links to “friends” (persons they agree to share info with), post photos and other images, make comments, and send messages. Individuals, groups, and businesses can have Facebook accounts. You do not need to have a Facebook account to read messages on group sites.

As an advocacy tool, Facebook is a great way to:

  • create and expand a community of library lovers (the “like” button is powerful);
  • advertise upcoming library programs and events;
  • mobilize supporters when needed.

Check out these library-related Facebook pages from the and .


Instagram’s popularity has been growing steadily over recent years. Instagram is designed more for mobile use through their app but can also be accessed at . Instagram is great for building a community of supporters and advocates and for showcasing the value of your library via lively, fun, and engaging images and videos. Their reels feature lets users use it in a similar way to TikTok.

As with Facebook, Instagram is a powerful advocacy tool, where users can:

  • create and expand a community of library lovers;
  • advertise upcoming library programs and events;
  • share highlights of recent past events; and
  • mobilize supporters when needed.

For some examples of library-related Instagram accounts, see the , , and accounts.


TikTok is one of the newest and most rapidly growing social media platforms, especially with younger users. On TikTok users can create, watch, and share short videos. Commenting and messaging between users is also possible. TikTok is best used through its mobile app but is accessible via the internet on desktops. Users are able to create an account or to use it as a guest, without creating an account.

TikTok is ideal for entertainment and comedy but has been instrumental in recent years in amplifying book readership and sharing important messages. Their algorithm is unique in that it allows videos to be seen more randomly and widely than just the user’s immediate followers.

Similar to Facebook and Instagram, TikTok is an incredibly powerful advocacy tool, especially with Gen Z and Millenials. Users can:

  • Create and expand a community of library lovers;
  • Share highlights of recent events;
  • Recommend and highlight books and other library materials; and
  • Mobilize users when needed

Some examples of library TikTok accounts include and .


Websites create a more permanent record than other electronic or social media. Creating a website is a more time-consuming and complicated process than creating a social media account, with hosting, design, content, security, coding, and maintenance all factors to consider.

Websites have several advocacy advantages:

  • Reaching library supporters who don't use social media;
  • Providing accessibility to long-term library information (e.g. downloadable signs for supporters, sample letters to be sent to policy makers, and contact information for legislators or other decision makers);
  • Giving a "face" to your advocacy campaign with a uniform look and easy-to-understand logo; and
  • Linking to social media sites for those who want up-to-the-minute information or images.

X (formerly Twitter)

X, which was formerly Twitter, is an online social networking and microblogging service that lets users send and read text-based messages, called “tweets,” of up to 280 characters. Only people with registered accounts are able to access posts and the number of users has been declining. Anyone can create an X account by going to or downloading the app.

X users can pay a monthly subscription fee that ranges from $8-$16 to “verify” their profiles with a checkmark and boost their audience reach, such as promoting their replies to tweets. Features like “Community Notes” can be added by select members to tweets to verify information and add context to posts.

For some communities, X is best used when you need to send a short message of some immediacy, such as the need to call a policymaker on a given day. X may also be useful to inform followers about what is happening at an event they cannot attend, such as a CIty Council meeting or a legislative hearing.

Some users are starting to use similar platforms such as or .

For an example, check out the .

Print Media

Letters to the Editor

Newspapers, neighborhood newsletters, and often, publications from local, community organizations, provide opportunities for advocates to send letters in support of library services.

What should go in a letter to the editor? Here's a sample.

Hints to help make your letter effective and increase its chances of being printed:

  • Determine if submission rules exist and, if they do, find out what they are. For example, rules may limit the length of your letter or the way it must be submitted (paper copy, email, fax, etc.).
  • Read other letters that have been printed and look for common styles and lengths to get a feel for what the publishers select.
  • Put your main argument at the beginning of the letter and follow with supporting data and stories. That way, even if people do not read the entire letter, they still take away one important point or piece of information.
  • Be short and succinct.
  • Be respectful. Displaying anger or name calling weakens what may otherwise be a very strong argument.
  • Useful to know: Because it is uncommon, a child’s letter is more likely to be published.


What exactly is an Op-Ed?

Op-Ed stands for “opposite the editorial page” in a newspaper and is a prose piece that reflects an author’s personal opinion on a particular subject.

Pro tip: Before drafting your op-ed piece, visit your newspaper's website to learn important details, such as: minimum/maximum word counts, preferred mode of submission and address, and other general guidelines that will help you write a piece that meets the newspaper's requirements for publication.

Here is a sample Op-Ed.